Meet new people and connect with colleagues from across the Main Street network! From scheduled network-building activities and fun events to impromptu encounters at sessions and during breaks, you’ll find unlimited opportunities to meet up will colleagues, develop professional relationships, and lean into the community that surrounds you at Main Street Now.
Tap into the expertise of your peers, industry professionals, and supporters. With 100+ education sessions and mobile workshops, learn how to leverage time-tested techniques rooted in the Main Street Approach and innovative methods to support your community’s Main Street efforts. Come with an open mind and return home with knowledge backed with tangible takeaways.
When Main Streeters get together, it’s magic. And when they gather for the largest convening of place professionals, the energy is electric. From the Welcome Reception to the Big Bash, you’ll find a plethora of celebratory moments—big and small—that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, energized, and inspired to take your organization’s Main Street efforts to the next level!